EyeOS web-based desktop OS
EyeOS is a Web-based desktop operating system. Despite their unusual deployment orientation in many ways it is a complete desktop complete with file management and full applications used within draggable, resizable window. And I take an overview what the EyeOS has to offer 1.9 branch you through what I did to install it on a Debian-type operating system. Overall, I felt that it was a usable system and maybe even some insight on what the most computing is as in the future.
I'm going to focus on my experience installing EyeOS 1.9 instead of the 2.x version that launched earlier this year.I tried EyeOS 2.x on a few different set ups, but I kept running serious performance problems largely reported on the EyeOS Forum by others, that it tries up-to-date 1.x series has also have the advantage of been considered stable for more than two years.
As I said, EyeOS provides a complete desktop with a suite of applications in a system that can be accessed through a network like a LAN or the Internet through a Web browser. It is a system which set a fleet of networked computers with their application environment in a cloud can deliver, or it could be your own personal refuge if you stuck with another computer.
If you examine a system like this will questions about the performance of most people. As one would expect start and running to application speed sometimes limited compared conventional desktop operating system. Graphical operations are also within the additional layer of abstraction that imposed by the browser-based interface disabled.However, if you think about it, is not the most spent a typical working day, moving and resizing Windows or start applications, and as soon as a particular application is running in response to user input, in particular on the keyboard, is good.
So what are the applications? well, set up the standard features a wide range of applications, including a calendar, an RSS reader, a mail client, a word processor, a spreadsheet, a Contact Manager and others. The applications are surprisingly analyzers, and I find myself wondering, if what EyeOS could been competitive his which full not so long ago offered commercial software. File management covers the necessary facilities to upload and download your files.
EyeOS word processing.The feature set is impressive.
The window management is surprising umfassend.Eine task bar runs along the bottom edge of the Bildschirms.Das is correct, EyeOS is fully multi-tasking and can more than one running at once, with overlapping, portable and resizeable Windows.The mouse button opens a context menu, like most operating systems and scroll wheel functionality is fully implementiert.Als technically impressive as the windowing system is a browser-based user interface I think me think that it can be exaggerated.I bet that most users get quickly to maximize all Windows, if you actually are in the habit.
All in all, despite a few compromises, I was left with the impression that EyeOS is by far a mere proof of concept demonstration; this is something that could be used for serious work.
Installation of
[update: see our guide to a server in a VM VirtualBox ausgeführt.Es is a aproach that works very well with EyeOS.]
EyeOS to install you must first prepare a Web server platform is by Apache, PHP and a few other items.Here is a method that installs everything, to a Debian box.
Install the dependencies:
Sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 php5 CGI php5-SQLite php5-IMAP libapache2-mod-Python libapache2-mod-php5 libapache2-mod-perl2 apache2 MPM prefork analogReset the entire machine is probably the quickest way to restart all services that need it.Once you have done this to test by the browser in the direction of the machine, you have just Apache Web server.For example if you have installed locally, you show that your browser to:
I hope you will be greeted with the standard Apache "It works!"-Message.
Now get the EyeOS 1.9 archive from the EyeOS website.Verify, that you the correct file as prominent grabbed the download page have shows the 2.x download I found verwirrend.sobald the zip file contains the EyeOS files have, unzip to there you the EyeOS directory to your home Verzeichnis.Benennen make lowercase, paste in the standard Apache Web content directory and set permissions with:
MV EyeOS / eyeOS/sudo mv eyeOS / / var/www / sudo chmod 777/var/www/eyeOS / -rNow it's time to install the Web interface to start navigation durchzuführen.Durch:
EyeOS does tell, if even einrichten.Also, if you're missing a component that it needs, it will fortunately some pretty extensive reviews and and you should be able to determine, with some guess work is missing. choosing a password, wait a few moments and future, navigate to the login Seite.In sign up by to navigate:
The EyeOS website.
Have a better way to do this it or rather run into trouble installing a different Web OS based? shouting out in the comments and let us know.
______________________Writer Michael Reed free http://www.unmusic.co.uk/ technology, retro computing, geek writes with culture and gender politics based in Großbritannien.Seine byline has appeared in several technology publications.
5:12 PM | Labels: desktop, EyeOS, webbased | 0 Comments
Linux Mint fail
I was finally fed up with this a little idiosyncrasy that my issue gehalten-KDE-based home entertainment center-it me VLC as action handlers specify was DVD would be inserted in the drive, if I. Instead, it was the most insistent that I use the KDE default Dragonplayer that got kinda confused about where the drive was and could no longer start the DVD. That was all it took for me to decide, take the time this past weekend rebuild the home entertainment system. You may recall from a previous article, I discovered Linux Mint 9 not too long ago and really liked it.
I got Linux Mint AMD_64 flash drive and boot the system from which it gestartet.Dies only about 20 minutes should take, I said to myself.
Three hours later I gave up and instead installed Ubuntu 10.04 NetBook Edition.Why UNE instead of the Ubuntu desktop version? I like's UNE simple interface and find it suitable for home entertainment use. It took about 20 minutes to do the installation.
What Mint install wrong, meaning I you questions. Now, this:
The BIOS on the motherboard ASUS M3N78-VM went Psyscho and refused to recall the boot device order. It seemed too complicated to me: USB drives first, SATA hard drive second. Clearly contradicted the BIOS update. So, I downloaded and installed the latest flash Rome. The BIOS was unclear on the concept of a user specified order. So, I opened the box and took the drive. Maybe there was a jumper on it that was confusing the BIOS. Nope. So, I start finally figured out to start a power on, press the reset, stick the USB drive in sequence that finally got the system booting Mint off the USB drive. But, it has young, boot slowly... But it has finally stop booting. about 28 minutes later. So, Let's install it on the drive. Wait, where is the "Install" icon that should be on the desktop? I went and checked the Linux Mint installation documentation.I don't really need to, I have installed Mint several times before. Without a hitch, I could hinzufügen.Yep reminded me just as I, it was an "install" icon on the desktop you want to.It was nicht.Also reboot (for the first time: no need no fuss) with the Ubuntu 10.04 UNE USB drive. As a side note Ubuntu NetBook Edition is available only in the i686 version, canonical seems to offer a 64-bit ISO.The only thing worked directly out of the box was HDMI sound but install the PulseAudio sound server packages that fixed.The new entertainment appliance is now up and running, Clementine 0.5 for the streaming music player, Hulu desktop application streaming film and TV content, configure to use VLC for DVD and other video format media (AVI, mpg, mov, WMV), and of course it is connected to the Sony Blu-ray player, 800 Watt Denon AVR-890 amp and Celestion 9 speakers.
Oh, and to prevent the flood of "You idiot!"Hulu is not visible outside the United States of America! ", commented, please note that Hulu is not visible outside the United States of America."Thank you very much.
What in the world is causing problems with installing Mint? I have absolutely no Ahnung.Ich installed Mint without problems on an other ASUS M3N78-VM based system before two Monaten.Ich have it on two laptops without a hitch installiert.vielleicht was just bad karma, but it has history jetzt.Ich'm perfectly happy with the UNE system, so we leave the Mint problem is only one small secrets of life.
11:17 PM | Labels: Linux | 0 Comments
Hardware we want:FSF announces criteria for hardware endorsement program "Respects Your Freedom"
Hardware we want:FSF announces criteria for hardware endorsement program "Respects Your Freedom"
Oct 14, 2010, 20 :33 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (440 reads)
(Other stories by Brett Smith)
"Thursday, October 14, 2010 -- The Free Software Foundation (FSF) announced today that it has published an initial set of criteria for endorsing computers and other devices. The FSF seeks both to obtain feedback on the criteria, and raise interest in the program among hardware manufacturers. Ultimately, the FSF plans to promote an endorsement mark to be carried on products that meet the criteria: respects your freedom.
"?The desire to own a computer or device and have full control over it, to know that you are not being spied on or tracked, to run any software you wish without asking permission, and to share with friends without worrying about Digital Restrictions Management (DRM)?these are the desires of millions of people who care about the future of technology and our society. Unfortunately, hardware manufacturers have until now relied on close cooperation with proprietary software companies that demanded control over their users. As citizens and their customers, we need to promote our desires for a new class of hardware?hardware that anyone can support because it respects your freedom,? said Peter Brown, executive director of the FSF.
"The FSF's criteria seek to cover all aspects of user interaction with and control of a device:"
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4:39 AM | Labels: announces, criteria, endorsement, Freedom, hardware, program, Respects, wantFSF | 0 Comments
Ubuntu 10,10 almost ready for you
Canonical announced the availability of the only candidate release and the latest developmental version Gold before the Meerkat. Ubuntu 10,10 is set for release on March 10. Design has been the motto to canonical this cycle, what too many cosmetic changes. Celebrated or be spurned?
Most people will probably first notice the new theme. The new wallpaper update came reactions to the delivery of negative in the last beta. This updated version has been well received. It is a precursor to dynamically morphing wallpaper scheduled for a release or two down the road.The default theme has received some attention since last version and comes in bright and dark Versionen.Das installer has some user friendly graphical updates, shorter installation time and a new slide show and get.
Ubuntu Software Center scored many updates and changes since 10.04.It is now much nicer with attractive backgrounds and it has things like application menu location, user-friendly application descriptions, plugin support for things like OneConf integration, microblogging application support, a history tab and a paid software category and button added support for direct handling of the Debian package format (.deb) has also recently added was. Also added a new extras repository, House brand new applications not included in the current version and the "what's new" and "Featured" categories.
Canonical works few months to a few fonts for their operating systems since the last and have many positive feedback erhalten.die is new Ubuntu font as a Libre font applied and released under a temporary Ubuntu font license. It is an attractive face and easy on the eyes to differentiate with multiple features. The new Ubuntu font will be set as the default, and the new default size has increased to 11.
The volume control was replaced by a full recommended sound menu.It will adjust your volume, and application controls and function.For example if Rhythmbox it now appears in the sound menu and opens a rewind, fast forward, and along with music track information and, of course, to spielen.Dieses feature was the volume control buttons very popular with bloggers.
Application and system decisions Endgültig.Beispielsweise are at Shotwell replacing new Picture Manager is been scrapped F-spot, while Firefox, OpenOffice.org, evolution and Rhythmbox survived left haben.Btfs Ext4 as the default file system, upstart has seen, some optimizations and i686 is the lowest CPU denominator.
2:31 PM | Labels: almost, ready, Ubuntu | 0 Comments
HowTo: Use Bash Parameter Substitution Like A Pro
Oracle Confirms Committment to OpenOffice.org
HowTo: Use Bash Parameter Substitution Like A Pro
C++ Snippets on Linux: Vectors vs. Arrays As a Better Way to Store Data
Hardware we want:FSF announces criteria for hardware endorsement program "Respects Your Freedom"
GNOME 3, Activities, and KDE 4
Dell settlement approved
Linux Audio Update: The Fall Fashions
SECURITY: Pill Gang Used Microsoft?s Network in Attack on KrebsOnSecurity.com
Linux users to receive AUSkey access before Christmas
Snakes on a Couch! Using Python with CouchDB, Part II-- Where do you want to eat?
4:04 AM | Labels: HowTo, Parameter, Substitution | 0 Comments
Sun (now Oracle) VirtualBox: an observation
OK, I recognize and appreciate the tremendous contributions of open source software. I really do. I use it every day and have done so for many years. I person from the word go a Linux. But I work for a Windows shop. All Windows, all the time. So, to fill my time sheet to get paid, or all change tracking in a Microsoft 2007 proposal document to follow, I have to run Windows, as the company the I for work 100% Windows software used for your business.
I will accept. And make sure I can fill my time sheet, and track all these changes in MS Word documents, I run Windows in a virtual machine.(By the way, I did also use open Office, for years, but OO isn't 100% compatible with MS Word.Es is not always too fast with changes track, and I can not count have wasted hours I try to do something other than the dog dinner of an OO presentation look when displayed in MS PowerPoint.)
Back to the question: for my virtual machine, I used to use to VMWare, but I switched over to Sun (now Oracle) VirtualBox some years ago.In general I quite happy with VirtualBox.Ich the latest run patched version of Windows XP in it; it has 2-D hardware acceleration, sound, virtual networking, etc so that you can say in fact that you are on a virtual machine if you use it.
Today I ran it the one apparently persistent, long-lasting bugs in VirtualBox, which threatens to derail my productivity for at least a few hours.Here is the background: I created the VirtualBox VM that I am currently with about 3 years.At that time it seemed like a fixed 10 GB virtual disk drive C: XP in VirtualBox use a good idea, if I it building war.Fragen not why it seemed like a good idea at the time.
How my virtual disk C: turns out though, in the three years I have used this virtual disk image, successive software installed and upgrades have completely until to the edge gefüllt.Ich noticed that my automatic SP2 upgrade to MS Office 2007 fail kept because not enough space on the device available needed a larger virtual drive pay.
After a pretty extensive search I found what apparently had found experience this problem else to exactly the richtige.Jemand a fix, and then took the time to write it, use other (thanks, Nick!) here is the link that nicely described how to copy a virtual system disk on a larger virtual system disk.
Oh, and here is the catch:
How is that a catch you questions?Well, it turns out that it has a bug or two in VirtualBox for years which can (usually not apparently) prevent that a user delete snapshot files in virtual machine.
Yes, I use snapshots, why not me?Snapshots roll back to a previous instantiation of your VM.Nehmen can specify we, your Windows VM gets a virus.No problem: Roles took back you to the snapshot a few weeks.No more virus.Now patch against that particular virus.
Conclusion: I am now not able to successfully my small virtual drive c on a larger disk copy because the resulting copy, in fact, is wonky.
Now, I clearly say: I'm not gedacht.Es complain about Sun's maintainer (now Oracle) is free software, I am grateful to %s.keeping is an excellent Produkt.Ich generally from the perspective of being a developer and maintainer remind me of free software (see this previous LJ articles a description of one mean FOSS packages): create and manage open source software is a royal pain in the kazoo. Working with limited resources, and everything you always seem to hear is complaints.
Let me therefore say "thanks, VirtualBox developer and maintainer for us this far."I am sure that you already haben.Ich will much kazoos to like to find out a Meatball surgery approach, to me from this latest catch 22.Und then I have the solution to write.
10:58 AM | Labels: observation, Oracle, VirtualBox | 0 Comments
Linux users to receive AUSkey access before Christmas
Oracle Confirms Committment to OpenOffice.org
HowTo: Use Bash Parameter Substitution Like A Pro
C++ Snippets on Linux: Vectors vs. Arrays As a Better Way to Store Data
Hardware we want:FSF announces criteria for hardware endorsement program "Respects Your Freedom"
GNOME 3, Activities, and KDE 4
Dell settlement approved
Linux Audio Update: The Fall Fashions
SECURITY: Pill Gang Used Microsoft?s Network in Attack on KrebsOnSecurity.com
Linux users to receive AUSkey access before Christmas
Snakes on a Couch! Using Python with CouchDB, Part II-- Where do you want to eat?
CRM Review: VegaPort Free CRM and Email Marketing Software
Oracle Confirms Committment to OpenOffice.org
HowTo: Use Bash Parameter Substitution Like A Pro
C++ Snippets on Linux: Vectors vs. Arrays As a Better Way to Store Data
Hardware we want:FSF announces criteria for hardware endorsement program "Respects Your Freedom"
GNOME 3, Activities, and KDE 4
Dell settlement approved
Linux Audio Update: The Fall Fashions
SECURITY: Pill Gang Used Microsoft?s Network in Attack on KrebsOnSecurity.com
Linux users to receive AUSkey access before Christmas
Snakes on a Couch! Using Python with CouchDB, Part II-- Where do you want to eat?
C++ Snippets on Linux: Vectors vs. Arrays As a Better Way to Store Data
C++ Snippets on Linux: Vectors vs. Arrays As a Better Way to Store Data
Oct 14, 2010, 21 :03 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (606 reads)
(Other stories by Rex Djere)
[ Thanks to Rex Djere for this link. ]
"You may have read and enjoyed my recent article "C++ Snippets: Converting Hexidecimal Values to Decimal Values." In that article, I briefly discussed a secret project that I have undertaken that will eventually result in my first GUI application for GNU/Linux, Windows, and perhaps even MacOS. At that time, I said that I could not reveal the exact nature of the program. I still cannot reveal the exact nature of the program, but I am releasing more of the source code under the GNU GPL license version 3. If you look at this code, run and compile it, you may glean a few more hints as to what kind of program I am actually aiming to write. in this article, I will reveal a few more details as to how I came up with this program idea. I suspect that programmers tend to write programs with two considerations in mind: * 1. What software do I need to do the things that I want to do? * 2. What software do others need to do the things that they want to do? Vectors Versus Arrays"
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7:19 PM | Labels: Pleasure, Unexpected | 0 Comments
Android Tablets � a developer's view
[ Thanks to Linux User & Developer magazine for this link. ]
"The success of the Apple iPad has prompted other manufacturers to launch their own tablet devices, mainly based on the Android platform. But can Android have the same impact as it has done in the smartphone market? As well as putting together an excellent insight into the Android Tablet scene with his recent feature ?iPad Killers??, and weighing up features of the Samsung Galaxy Tab versus the iPad, Phil King also talked briefly to Tommy Forslund, producer at Swedish mobile developer Polarbit, to see what front-line developers make of the transition?"Will Android tablets be able to mount a serious challenge to the iPad?
"They stand a good chance to. Android has shown itself able to compete with Apple in the smartphone sector, and I see no reason why the same shouldn?t be true for tablets. Apple has an advantage in their nicely integrated media services, like iBookstore and iTunes. Android will be getting their music store soon though, and there?s nothing to stop first-generation Android tablet users from installing Spotify and Kindle for Android and get music and eBooks through those services."
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6:18 AM | Labels: Android, developers, Tablets | 0 Comments
Linux audio update: der fall fashions
Translate Request has too much data
Parameter name: request
Translate Request has too much data
Parameter name: request
This week's entry looks at a unique new audio editor, some important updates, and a very cool programming environment for graphics (and much more). As always, some tasty treats are cooking in the Linux audio kitchen.
By default most soundfile editors display audio in the amplitude domain. For example, when you open a WAV or MP3 in Audacity you see a display of the sound's waveform, a representation of the sound as a series of amplitude values plotted over time (Figure 1). For most of your work you'll apply edits and effects processing to all or parts of the sound in that display. However, there is another type of audio representation in which the sound's frequencies are plotted over time in what is known as a spectral display (Figure 2). Most soundfile editors provide such a display, but few offer direct editing of its contents. Spectral editors are a rare but useful kind of audio editor, and Linux users are fortunate to have Kjetil Matheussen's version of the great Ceres, a spectral editor originally designed by Professor Oyvind Hammer for use in his work at NoTAM.
Ceres was first designed for SGI machines, with dependencies that included the Motif graphics library, libaudiofile, and other components favored by SGI hardware and software. Fortunately the program has proven amenable to porting. As a matter of fact, Ceres was one of the first programs I tried to port back in the late 1990s. Since then various other (i.e. real) programmers have expanded its feature set and improved its overall usability.
Alas, the program's dependencies have aged considerably. Modern distributions have moved on to modern GUI and audio toolkits, to the point where it has become increasingly difficult to compile Ceres. For example, it wants the Gtk1 development packages, but those packages have been deprecated in my Ubuntu 10.04 software repositories. Fortunately Kjetil is an obliging maintainer, so he simply gathered together the needed component sources and prepared a make process that compiles "internal" versions of every dependency before going on to build the program. Thanks to his efforts Ceres 0.56 can be neatly compiled and installed on systems such as Ubuntu 10.04 and other modern Linux distributions.
While reading through a recent digest of the LilyPond mail list I stumbled upon a reference to an audio editor named Myna (Figure 3). Feature-wise Myna is similar to most other soundfile editors, with a significant exception: Myna is a Web-based application. That's right, it's a network-based audio editor available for use by anyone with a compliant browser and Adobe's Flash player.
I gave it a quick trial run, with mixed results. Myna's UI is uncomplicated and easily navigated, and I could run the application without trouble as long as I used the Quantum library of sound clips. Alas, Myna crashed Firefox when I tried to import my own samples. However, the Quantum clips sound good and are great fun to string together for fast and easy song composition. Myna includes a small set of digital effects, each with its own set of parameter controls applicable in realtime (Figure 4). Realtime performance wasn't exactly snappy, but it wasn't exactly sluggish either. Given Myna's intended usage its performance was acceptable on my aging AMD64 3800+ CPU.
It seems that Aviary.com is on a mission "to make creation accessible to artists of all genres, from graphic design to audio editing". I'm not sure yet what that entails, but it doesn't appear to include free/libre and open-source software. Still, as far as I can tell there are no hidden costs, and the software is well-designed for its purposes, i.e. "to remix music tracks and audio clips. Apply sound effects and record your own voice or instruments!". I'm curious to know what my readers think about Myna, so please leave a civil note in the Comments below if you'd like to share your experience and opinions.
The October issue of the Linux Journal is dedicated to the Linux command-line interface and its powerful tools. It's another great issue, highly recommended, but somehow it forgot to mention the awesome ecasound, a complete DAW that runs from a normal terminal prompt. Ecasound is no mere toy, it's a powerful audio tool with serious capabilities.
In August 2010 version 2.7.2 of ecasound was released to the public. Here's a partial list of its outstanding features :
Multitrack/multichanel hard-disk recording and mixing Effects/dynamics processing Realtime signal routing Audio file playback and format conversion Automating audio processing tasksAlong with this goodness you get LADSPA plugin support, full compliance with JACK, an OSC interface, easy scripting, and very fast performance. Visit the Ecasound Features page for the full view of the program's impressive capabilities.
Ecasound's user-level documentation includes a tutorial series, a very useful set of example commands, and a User's Guide to the concepts and design of the program. Developers may be more interested in the Ecasound Programmer's Guide and the Control Interface Guide. An active mail-list rounds out the primary sources of information about ecasound.
Kai Vehmanen, the program's chief designer, has consistently maintained ecasound for the past twelve years. Given this track record there's a fair chance I'll still be using the program for the next twelve years. It's fast, efficient, powerful, and completely free open-source software. What more could I want ? Well, every now and then maybe I'd like a GUI for ecasound. Thanks to Joel Roth I have one.
Nama is Joel's contribution to the ecasound ecology (ecalogy ?!). Its web page refers to Nama as "Easy multitrack recording with ecasound", so I feel somewhat justified calling it a front-end for ecasound. The program includes its own command-line interface, and the total package includes a serviceable GUI based on the Perl/Tk module (Figure 5). Unlike its command-line counterpart the Nama GUI doesn't encapsulate all of ecasound's features, but if you want a handy graphic interface for ecasound's basic recording capabilities, Nama's your ticket.
I've been looking into Processing (Figure 6), a marvelous computer programming language "for people who want to create images, animations, and interactions", as its Web page describes it. Processing has some unique characteristics that make it a must-see for anyone interested in computer graphics and the new multimedia arts. The language basics are easy to learn, yet it is capable of very sophisticated designs and displays. Its documentation includes one of the best-written tutorials I've read for just about anything, it enjoys the attentions of a large community of users and developers, and its extensibility includes capabilities of interest to musicians and other sound-artists.
Csounder Jacob Joaquin (see below) has developed his csoundo as a means for connecting the awesome audio powers of Csound with the graphics mojo of Processing. Other extensions are available to add audio capabilities to Processing, but I must admit that the potential of Jake's library finally pushed me into learning more about the language and its possibilities. I'm just getting started with my explorations - I'm in Chapter 9 of the superb Getting Started With Processing tutorial - and I'm already hooked. I'm also waiting for Jake to modify csoundo for Csound built with doubles numerics, a task he'll soon complete. I'll post more about Processing and csoundo in a later article, but you can check out the Processing Web site now to learn more about what this amazing system can do.
Linux audio user Jeremy Jongepiere is a regular contributor to the forums at Linux Musicians where he's better known by the handle of AutoStatic. Recently he announced his intention to provide a monthly editorial/summary of activity in the ever-advancing world of Linux audio development. His Monthly Round-up #1 is on-line now, and hopefully it will have been joined by subsequent editions by the time this article reaches the bitstream.
Jacob Joaquin is an unabashed lover of Csound. He's also creative, talented, and industrious, as you can discover for yourself in his Csound Blog. The site is subtitled "Old School Computer Music" but don't let the rubric fool you. His latest entries include hands-on demonstrations of his work with the Arduino board, a quick overview of the latest release of Andres Cabrera's QuteCsound, and examples of his recent work with Processing. Check it out, the Csound Blog is an engaging read, and fellow Csounders should consider it a necessary one.
Graham Percival's LilyPond Report #20 is now on-line. The latest edition covers news of a unique on-line music notation editor, a brief report on the latest LilyPond release, an update on recent development activity, and a neat "snippets" trick. The Report is always an enjoyable read, and if you're a LilyPond user you definitely want to keep up with it.
I continue to explore the possibilities of Linux video tools. I've set up a YouTube channel at newnairobi1 where I've posted clips from performances by my students and experimental videos created with AVSynthesis. Yes, Flash is required (or a suitable equivalent ?), sorry about that, but I'm working on making everything downloadable as MP4 files. If you visit the site feel free to leave a comment or two.
More good stuff is on the way, including a look into the audio software of Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas and profiles of new releases of Guitarix and Traverso. Until then, stay tuned and rock steady.
5:24 PM | Labels: audio, fashions, Linux, update | 0 Comments
Fedora 14 now on its way to the desktop in your vicinity
Red hat fedora remains one of the most popular and versatile Linux distributions on the available today. In fact, it has few equals. And Fedora 14, which is 2 for final release November saw the one and only beta on 28 feature previews exciting with some release. Is based on Linux 2.6.35 released to 1 and got his latest stable update on September 29, will provide goodies such as Btrfs direct in / output, better power management, advanced video and Ethernet hardware support and memory cache de fragmentation. For Red Hat and Fedora of particular interest are developers and users include improvements in the KVM virtualization, timer and emulator code improvements, higher performance and improvements in performance, tracing and monitoring.
Speaking of virtualization is Fedora 14 SPICE which introduce your users of this version. SPICE is a tool for creating of and interact with virtual machines. It has encryption, accelerated 2D graphics, video and audio format detection and rendering, hardware cursor support and dynamic adaptation to changes graphics and communication.For developers this version updates, such as e.g. Perl 5.12, Python, Ruby, Eclipse, NetBeans, and Perl is Rakudo star compiler modules and programming language compiler Toolkit and several mainstay bringen.Offene SCAP is 6 D also featured this version will bring a standard for automated tests and identification of weaknesses in the system.
The average desktop user isn't either ausgelassen.Diese version brings the newly released 2.32 portables in GNOME and KDE 4.5.x with a beautiful new theme as well as the latest stable sugar 0.90 and MeeGo 1.0.JPEG pictures as experienced with original libjpeg, libjpeg Turbo brings faster compression and decompression.
Live streaming slated to bring with LZMA instead of gzip of this release significant performance almost 9% in size without a discount, and that Fedora include more software developers compressed werden.Multipath installation is rumored to the menu as also sein.Systemd planned for version 14, was postponed until the next release for more time to fix bugs and Polish functionality to allow so this version still used the upstart initialization system but Systemd will continue to for those who want to test.
1:36 AM | Labels: desktop, Fedora, vicinity | 0 Comments
It is Patch Tuesday...Again...
Overnight, I received an email from a friend, forwarding me an article from Redmond magazine. The theme of the magazine was the huge Patch Tuesday dump our friends in Redmond have sent down. There was also some discussion about the patch bundle Adobe and Oracle as well as deleted. In the words of the author of the article, it is a heavy burden for just this month. The email, but what I wanted was to highlight. My friend said to me:
Here is a good indication for Linux! ("Load ya 16 patches and Whaddayaget?") Another day, older and deeper in debt.Peter dontcha take me because I can not Goooooo; I owe my soul to the Microsoft Stooooore "(-_mit_Entschuldigung_an_Tennessee_Ernie_Ford)."
I'm sure there are a number of Linux people who wake up and Windows pointed to your friends and say I told you so, but I can assure you, most of these people are not professional Linux administrators. Most of us use Linux for a living would say in fact, not so fast.... In the last two weeks, I have a number of things that patched on my Fedora 13 system. I say, because I was actually not exactly what attention was things is that I don't really pay patched, pretty much the same way much attention to what Microsoft or Oracle (Adobe) this week patch. Now you could argue that I not only should attention, but I check each patch before I apply for relevancy and value. Yes, OK. Show of hands, who has time for that? Yes, there are some of you out there that not only each patch test, but the effects we know to have on your systems. Further, you also know that your system is lost the amount of money down for even a second, to pay more than enough for testing and systems, the need to test patches when you come out. But take it on faith that most of us. We need.Linux is one of the safest on the market today.This is because the model of access (least privilege) and intensive control of Codes.Aber even with an average of one bug per 1000 lines of code, we have even patches, security issues and uses that we always alert his müssen.Es is easy for us, our fingers and laugh show, but we should not become complacent.
10:16 AM | Labels: Patch, TuesdayAgain | 0 Comments
Pill Gang Used Microsoft's Network in Attack on KrebsOnSecurity.com
Pill Gang Used Microsoft?s Network in Attack on KrebsOnSecurity.com
Oct 14, 2010, 19 :03 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (1001 reads)
(Other stories by Brian Krebs)
"An organized cyber crime gang known for aggressively pushing male enhancement drugs and other knockoff pharmaceuticals used Internet addresses belonging to Microsoft as part of a massive denial-of-service attack against KrebsOnSecurity.com late last month.
"The attack on my Web site happened on Sept. 23, roughly 24 hours after I published a story about a criminal online service that brazenly sold stolen credit card numbers for less than $2 each (see: I?ll Take Two MasterCards and a Visa, Please). That story got picked up by BoingBoing, Gizmodo, NPR and a variety of other sites, public attention that no doubt played a part in the near-immediate suspension of that criminal Web site.
"At first, it wasn?t clear what was behind the attack, which at one point caused a flood of traffic averaging 2.3 gigabits of junk data per second (see graph above)."
Complete Story
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5:12 PM | Labels: Attack, KrebsOnSecuritycom, Microsofts, Network | 0 Comments