free 1z0-403 pdf - Computers - Certification
Test :Enterprise Linux System AdministrationExam Number: 1z0-403Duration: 120 minsNumber of Questions: 113Passing Score: 62%
Exam TopicsInstalling Enterprise Linux Install Enterprise Linux on any supported architecture.Create partitions, software RAID and LVM storage configurations.Select Packages for Installation.PC Hardware & LinuxGet detailed information about all PCI & USB devices that are connected to a Linux systemIdentify, load, unload and configure kernel modulesTune the running kernel using the /proc/ filesystemPost-Install System Configuration Set and maintain the system clock with date, hwclock and NTPInstall, update and remove RPM packages with the rpm & yum commandsConfigure printers with CUPSCreate and use Kickstart files for automated, hands-off installationsTestinside 1z0-403 exam study materials includes 1z0-403 braindumps, 1z0-403 study guide, 1z0-403 practice exam,Oracle free 1z0-403 demo and much more which will not only enhance your abilities to cope with the problems but you will also be able to manage online real time problems.An authentic and comprehensive 1z0-403 exam so lution is available at Testinside.
Exam : Oracle 1z0-403Title : Enterprise Linux System Administration1. You have bound your system to the Network Information Service (NIS) domain ORACLE and all client-side configurations are done. The users report a problem that they are not able to log in through NIS accounts, whereas local users are successfully authenticated, after the system reboots. As a Linux administrator, you executed the nisdomainname command and you get the output "(none)", and no traces of yp are found in the /var/log/messages file. What would you do to resolve this error? (Choose all that apply.)A. Re-create the NIS domain on the server that runs the NIS domain ORACLE.B. Restart the ypserv service on the server that runs the NIS domain ORACLE.C. Restart the network service on the server that runs the NIS domain ORACLE.D. Use the chkconfig command to set the ypbind service to be on at the desired runlevels.E. Use the ntsysv command to select the ypbind service to be automatically started with th edesired runlevels.Answer: DE2. You want to load the main kernel module for USB support. Which command would help youachieve this task?A. modprobe usbhidB. modprobe usbcoreC. modprobe uhci-hcdD. modprobe ehci-ocdAnswer: B3. Which two statements are true about a kernel patch? (Choose two.)A. Patches are always the part of a released kernel tree.B. After applying a patch, it is important to remove the kernel sources of earlier versions.C. After applying a patch, it is important to make sure that the entire kernel configuration andMakefiles are cleaned up.D. If patches are not built from clean unpatched kernel sources, then a change in one patch maymake other patches to fail.Answer: CD
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