How to Handle files with a strange name in linux shell


How to Handle files with a strange name in linux shell
Dec 6, 2010, 20 :32 UTC (1 Talkback[s]) (1203 reads)

[ Thanks to linuxaria for this link. ]

"Sometimes it happen to find in our file system files with strange names, with that i means files with non-alphanumeric characters or spaces between different words, maybe uploaded by users, or files produced by mistake by someone or some program, and unfortunately is often not trivial to do a mv < file > or rm < file >.

"Let?s see how to get rid of these horrors.

"Case #1, space-separated file.

"Suppose you have:

ls -1

test file.txt

Complete Story

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Text frames in Scribus

Error al deserializar el cuerpo del mensaje de respuesta para la operación 'Translate'. Se superó la cuota de longitud del contenido de cadena (8192) al leer los datos XML. Esta cuota se puede aumentar cambiando la propiedad MaxStringContentLength en el objeto XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas que se usa para crear el lector XML. Línea 1, posición 9001.
Error al deserializar el cuerpo del mensaje de respuesta para la operación 'Translate'. Se superó la cuota de longitud del contenido de cadena (8192) al leer los datos XML. Esta cuota se puede aumentar cambiando la propiedad MaxStringContentLength en el objeto XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas que se usa para crear el lector XML. Línea 1, posición 9212.

As a layout program, Scribus puts objects in frames so that they can be manipulated more easily. Images, drawing primitives, tables -- if it is content, Scribus puts it in a color-coded frame, with eight handles so that you can position it by dragging it around. But of all its frames, the most important -- and probably the most customizable -- is the text frame.

A text frame is just what it sounds like: a container for text-based content. Often, it can be treated like any other object, especially when you are placing it on the page or adding basic formatting. However, how you put text into text frames and format it, and how you connect frames so that text flows from one to the other -- all these are peculiar to text frames alone, and require special attention.

Adding a text frame is much the same as adding any other sort of frame in Scribus If a text frame covers the entire page, you can use the margins as guidelines. However, before you add smaller text frames, I suggest that you select View -> Show Grid so that you can position them more precisely. You may also want to zoom in.

In a complex document, another option you might want to choose is to create a separate layer for text. That way, you can focus on text layout by making the other layers temporarily invisible -- or, alternatively, focus on other objects by making the text layer invisible. You can add the text layer by selecting Windows -> Layers and clicking the button in the floating dialog window that opens to create and name the layer. Making a layer invisible is as simple as un-selecting the column with the eye in the header in the dialogue window.

When you are ready, select Insert -> Text Frame, or the same function on the tool bar. Better yet, simply press the T key -- one of the joys of Scribus is that, because you don't enter text directly, its major key commands are wonderfully simple. The cursor changes to show a small icon with a drop capital A and lines of unreadable text, and all you need to do is drag with the cursor to create the frame. You are left with a red outline, with eight square handles that you can drag to adjust the size and shape of the frame. If you are satisfied with the positioning, click anywhere else in the Scribus window, and the frame is de-selected.

Often, a simple text frame positioned properly is all that you need. However, if you right-click the selected frame and select Properties from the context menu, you open up more possibilities.

A Scribus Text Frame and Its Properties Dialog

To start with, if you really want precision placement of the text frame, you can set its X and Y axis in the Geometry pane of the Properties dialog, or its width and height. If you are using the default measurement of points -- one seventy-second of an inch -- that should give you enough precision for any purpose.

After the frame is positioned, you can move on to other characteristics. While still in the Geometry pane, you can rotate the text frame, for instance.

From there, you might want to select Shape from the tabs at the bottom of the dialog. Contrary to what you might expect, the Shape options set how text in frames below the current one (if there are any) flows around the select frame. Text in lower frames can also be set to flow around the frame, either in a rectangle (a "bounding box") or in a contour line that follows the shape of the frame. Alternatively, you can select Edit Shape to manipulate the contour line independently of the shape.

At the top of the Shape tab, you can change the shape of the frame, using either one of the pre-defined shapes, or else editing the exact shape in a separate dialog. In the Distance from Text pane, you can set the number of columns within the frame, as well as each column's distance from each of the frame.

Switching to the Color Properties tab, you can set the background for the frame -- either a single color, or a gradient, and the line color for the border of the frame. Once the line color is set, you can adjust the border on the Line Properties tab.

Whatever pane you are on, the Properties dialog also has options for raising or lowering the current layer, flipping the contents of a frame vertically or horizontally, and for locking and unlocking the object or its size, or the ability to export an object.

In a long and complex document, you should also consider renaming a text frame from its default name -- "Text" followed by a number. A more meaningful name, such as "Obama callout" might help you to navigate more efficiently

When the frame itself is customized, you can add text by right-clicking and selecting either Get Text to insert a text file directly, or Edit Text to open Scribus' Story Editor.

The Scribus Story Editor

Since Scribus is about layout, not content, most of your editing should occur in the Story Editor, which is the only dialog set up for manipulating bodies of text. You can use the Story Editor to write new text, or to open existing text files, as well as format text, either manually or using styles.

When you are finished editing the text, select File -> Update Text Frame and Exit to export the contents of Story Editor to the current text frame. If you see only Greeking -- lines where text should be -- you have used a typeface that Scribus cannot display. In this case, reopen Story Editor and change the font.

Once text is in the frame, you can edit all the text or selected portions by selecting the Text pane in the Properties dialog. However, if your editing is extensive, then the word processor-like setting of the Story Editor is likely to be a better environment for most users.

As a final step in adding frames and text, select Extras -> Hyphenate Text. This extra step will usually make the text fit more neatly into the frame and the options you have set. The main times that you might want to avoid hyphenation is when you are using multiple columns, and the shortness of the lines means that you have too many consecutive hyphens -- in which case, you might want to reduce the font size and try hyphenation again.

Whenever you add text to a frame, look for a small X in the lower right corner of the frame. If one is there, then there is more text than can fit into the frame, given the size of the frame and the formatting you have chosen. This problem should be corrected before you print or export to PDF.

One option, of course, is to change the formatting, choosing a smaller type size or perhaps adding another column or two to the text frame.

Another option is to change the size of the frame, either manually, or on the Shape pane of the Properties dialog, where clicking the Edit Shape button opens up another dialog. From this second option, you can select the button Enlarge the size of the path by the chosen value, which will increase the size of the frame by the percentage you set each time that you click it.

You may also choose to have the text flow into another frame, either on the same page, or a different one. To connect frames in this way, select the frame with the overflow text, then click the frame that you want the text to flow into.

You can see that a frame is linked by right-clicking and selecting Info. Unfortunately, however, all you see is that the frame contains Linked Text -- not which frame is used first, or which the text flows into. Because of this lack, when linking frames, you might want to change the names of each frame; for example, the second frame might be labeled TextOverflowfromScribusArticle.

Besides formatting and positioning, frames can be manipulated in other ways from their context window. Selecting Contents -> Clear, for example, is faster than trying to delete text manually. You can also cut, copy, or delete an entire frame, text and all from the context menu.

In addition, if you are planning to export to PDF, you can use the context menu to designate the contents of a frame as a PDF bookmark or annotation. Similarly, within Scribus, you can move a frame and its contents to the Scrapbook, or Convert it to a shape primitive.

These are only the main ways that you might want to use text frames in Scribus. However, once you can manipulate text frames with some expertise, you will have taken the first step towards being productive in Scribus.

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Observation: Cloud computing is nothing new

Cloud computing is not only the latest buzz word, it is well possible model of computing, also the 21st century. However, it is easy to forget even a relatively new approach is personal computing in which each user has a stand-alone system that can operate network.

The first practical computer from huge Giants consisting of clicking relays and vacuum tubes. Much of that early development of this multimedia mark had Monster efforts been spurred on by the Allied code breaking during the second WELTKRIEGS. For the first thirty years of history of the general purpose computer was the exclusive privilege of computer time, large institutions and Governments.

One of the first breakthroughs in lower costs for computer access was the concept of a time-sharing system. In such a system, multiple operators can access resources on the computer through the use of remote terminals. Here, in the form of early teletype terminals, and later, video terminals we see the emergence of a network topology where computing horsepower in a central computer of the user is located.

It was the epoch of the mainframe and the dumb terminal. Usually ability would be missing these dumb terminals storage or calculation, as they were simply a display with a keyboard. From the 1970s (usually issued, wearing shorts when books I've seen are correct), an operator shielded terminal would sit before a yellow or green grateful that he no longer needed to wait in line to hand in a box carefully arranged punch cards.

Fast forward to the late 70's and a new paradigm was beginning to win. If you, the Pirates of Silicon film seen Valley, a dramatization of the early years of Apple computers, you can remember a scene in which the young Steve Wozniak is forced to show his prototype PC to his employer, Hewlett Packard. In the scene that I about Steve speak fears that his idea he takes his bosses. The Exchange goes something like:

HP exec
Steve it is Steve isn't it?

Steve Wozniak

HP exec
Steve, you say that this... Gadget... you is for ordinary people. What would want on Earth the ordinary people with computers?

(long pause)

The idea is to the debate has been was a personal computer, i.e. a stand-alone computers on which an electrical power supply needs to function. Singular to computers that do not need a larger computers are connected to run went on the popular face of computing for the rest of the twentieth century to be.

Since its inception, suffered a minor the personal computer, organized attack by companies, which had begun calling Terminal thin clients. These companies such as Oracle and Sun, met limited success in the course of the 1990s. However, sometimes a good technological idea comes, but suffers, because it arrived at the wrong time. Consider, for example, Apple's first attempt at a hand held the ARM powered computer, Newton equipped touch screen. People blame Apple simply existing ideas in the form of the iPad repackaging, but were kept pioneers in hand computing 15 years ago.

The latest incarnation of the general idea of separation of memory and computing power of the user's access point is called cloud computing. Cloud computing probably to a certain extent will be successful because it benefits there are natural power of the most powerful but mundane: evolution. The computing environment has changed and people have decided that want computing has to offer cloud you. What's more, you are ready, some of the benefits of true giving up personal computers to get it. It will take a while, but already, people are starting to realize the benefits of cloud style solution like Google mail and Google Docs.

So take my advice: in a few years when a young, hip child tells you about the new idea in computing, self catering computers with local memory and computing power have, try, surprised look.


Writer Michael Reed free technology, retro computing, geek culture and gender politics writes headquartered in the UK. His byline has appeared in several technology publications.

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The High Road to HPC Tools: Lunch with Intel's James Reinders


[ Thanks to An Anonymous Reader for this link. ]

"As we are now officially in the holiday season and done with SC10, I can only think of one thing. Next year?s SC11 in Seattle. Just kidding. I?m still digesting SC10 and still surprised we are heading back to Seattle next year. My understanding is that SC tries to rotate east coast then west coast every other year. Let?s see, SC10-New Orleans, SC09-Portland, SC08-Austin, SC07-Reno, SC06-Tampa, SC05-Seattle. I see a little bias for the left side of the Mississippi river. Except for Tampa, the last time it was even near the east coast and the northeast corridor was SC04 in Pittsburgh. And, now we loop back to Seattle next year. I?m not even going to guess who Microsoft will foist on us for the keynote.

"Back to New Orleans. On Monday of SC10, before all the hoopla began, I managed to have lunch with James Reinders of Intel. James title is ?Director, Evangelist, Intel Software.? He also has written quite a lot about parallel computing and blogs about many of the major software advances coming out of Intel. Each year I check in to see what is new and interesting."

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Tips for Securely Using Temporary Files in Linux Scripts


Tips for Securely Using Temporary Files in Linux Scripts
Dec 6, 2010, 23 :02 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (718 reads)
(Other stories by Jamie Adams)

[ Thanks to Jamie Adams for this link. ]

"Over the years, I've written hundreds, if not thousands, of shell scripts. With the ease at which you can redirect input and output within a shell script, many sysadmins store data in temporary files for processing purposes. In some situations scripts become essential to the day-to-day operations of a system and as such, may end up running on a regular basis via crontab ? never to be looked at again.

"Unfortunately, some sysadmins who write scripts might store sensitive data in temporary files, don't restrict access to temporary files, and might forget to remove them from the system when they are no longer needed. In many cases, they use them when it isn't even necessary. The beauty of Linux and UNIX is that there are hundreds of ways to accomplish the same task. I will keep my Bash examples simple so you can focus on grasping the general concepts."

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The state of MySQL forks: co-operating without co-operating


The state of MySQL forks: co-operating without co-operating
Dec 6, 2010, 22 :02 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (622 reads)

"Giuseppe "The Data Charmer" Maxia recently posted his take on the MySQL forks. I had been pondering whether to do the same, and seeing that what I planned to write will nicely complement Giuseppe's article, I was inspired to follow him into the same topic. Note that last Spring I created a Map of MySQL forks in preparation for Monty's keynote at the MySQL user conference. So let's see how things have evolved. I'll look into MySQL ecosystem as a whole and the forks separately.

"The post is long, but the key takeaway is that despite the challenges, the combined development seen in the MySQL ecosystem is probably stronger than ever, the current situation is hard for an outsider to grasp but manageable, and if a few more obstacles can be overcome, we are looking into a very bright future indeed. There are more than 100 engineers (how much more?) working full time on the mysql code base (including both developers, QA, build engineers...). This development effort is an order of magnitude higher than other open source databases I'm aware of, in particular PostgreSQL and Drizzle. Often the open source project with most momentum and mass will come out as the winner, no matter what challenges it may seemingly be facing, and this is the case with MySQL too. Oracle's MySQL"

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The party's not over yet

iXsystems Server

We are still busy to celebrate journal our 200th questions here on Linux and that leave includes seven great prizes you could win!  Today's price in our daily giveaway? An iXsystems Atom system server for $529 retail sales! Give today to the

Here is what could win today:

1U mercury 9.8 "depth Rackmount Server 200W PSU low noise"
1 HE optimized Atom motherboard Intel D510 chipset dual Intel 82574L Gigabit LAN 4 GB DDR 3 SO-DIMM max memory (2 DIMM slots) integrated IPMI
2 GB DDR3 SODIMM 667 MHz NON-ECC 128 x 8 laptop memory
Axiom 32 GB USB flash drive

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Apple Loads Its Guns for Patent War

The High Road to HPC Tools: Lunch with Intel?s James Reinders

Avast sees single software license used illegally 774,651 times

Fanless barebone server offers dual-core Atom for $260

Gingerbread, Nexus S with Android 2.3 Unveiled by Google's Android Czar Rubin

SECURITY: Tips for Securely Using Temporary Files in Linux Scripts

USA v. Crippen ? A Retrospective

The state of MySQL forks: co-operating without co-operating

The Three Differences between Chrome OS and Android

SCALE 9x: Is your paper submitted?

How to Handle files with a strange name in linux shell

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Avast sees single software license used illegally 774,651 times


Avast sees single software license used illegally 774,651 times
Dec 7, 2010, 01 :34 UTC (1 Talkback[s]) (551 reads)
(Other stories by Matthew Humphries)

[ Thanks to An Anonymous Reader for this link. ]

"Protecting your computer from malicious activity for free is easier than it has ever been. But you can guarantee if a license for a paid-for security suite appears online, some users are going to download it.

"In the case of Avast!, a single software license originally only meant to cover a 14-PC business operation, made its way on to the Internet and started spreading. Rather than killing the license code, the team at Avast decided to watch what happened and how many users would break the law by using it. The results are astonishing.

"Over the course of 18 months that single Avast! Pro license was shared and used on 744,651 different machines. At the current cost of $34.95 per pro license, that?s total lost revenue in the region of $27,074,052.45."

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Gingerbread, Nexus S with Android 2.3 Unveiled by Google's Android Czar Rubin


Gingerbread, Nexus S with Android 2.3 Unveiled by Google's Android Czar Rubin
Dec 6, 2010, 23 :32 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (776 reads)
(Other stories by Michelle Megna)

"Google today rolled out Android 2.3, dubbed Gingerbread, and unveiled the first smartphone to run on the updated mobile operating system -- the Nexus S.

"Google's Android czar Andy Rubin broke the Gingerbread release news today in a blog post, saying the Nexus S, co-developed with Samsung, will deliver a "pure Google" experience.

""Today, we?re pleased to introduce the latest version of the Android platform, Gingerbread, and unveil the next Android device from the Nexus line of mobile products -- Nexus S. And for developers, the Gingerbread SDK/NDK is now available as well," Rubin said in his blog post. "Nexus S is the lead device for the Gingerbread/Android 2.3 release; it?s the first Android device to ship with the new version of the Android platform."

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6 Excellent Linux/Open Source Web Servers


6 Excellent Linux/Open Source Web Servers
Dec 6, 2010, 19 :32 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (1116 reads)
(Other stories by Eric Geier)

"Apache isn't the only Web server in town, though it is by far the most popular. Eric Geier rounds up a batch of excellent Open Source Web servers for all occasions, from fully-featured to stripped-down yet capable of handling large loads.

"Here are six different web servers freely provided by the open source community for Linux, Windows, and other OSs:

"Apache HTTP Server

"Initially released in 1995, this is the most popular web server across the entire World Wide Web, currently used by around 60% of web domains. Its released under an Apache License, which requires preservation of the copyright notices and disclaimers, but doesn't require modified versions to be distributed using the same license. Though most prevalent on Unix-like operating system, it also runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and others.

"Common languages supported by the Apache server include Perl, Python, Tcl, and PHP. The core functionality of the server can be extended with modules to add server-side programming language support, authentication schemes, and other features. Popular authentication modules include mod_access, mod_auth, mod_digest, and mod_auth_digest. Modules are also available for SSL/TLS support (mod_ssl), proxying (mod_proxy), URL rewriting (mod_rewrite), custom logging (mod_log_config), and filtering support (mod_include and mod_ext_filter)."

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Avast sees single software license used illegally 774,651 times

Fanless barebone server offers dual-core Atom for $260

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The state of MySQL forks: co-operating without co-operating

The Three Differences between Chrome OS and Android

SCALE 9x: Is your paper submitted?

How to Handle files with a strange name in linux shell

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Fedora Moving to Unity Too!


"Despite all the negative reaction to Ubuntu's move to Unity, is it possible that another popular distribution is going to walk in its footsteps? Do they want to experience the backlash and exodus of users? Do they want to be subjected to a barrage of criticism? Well, no, not really. But Adam Williamson is working on making some Fedora packages for those that might want to test and run it.

"In a blog post today Williamson announced that he's going to give it the ole college try. But according to him, it's going to be quite the undertaking."

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USA v. Crippen � A Retrospective


USA v. Crippen ? A Retrospective
Dec 6, 2010, 22 :32 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (684 reads)

"Some readers may be aware that I was called upon to perform as an expert witness in a landmark case, USA v. Crippen, where for the first time an individual, Mr. Crippen, was charged with an alleged violation of the criminal portion of the DMCA statute. There have been numerous civil cases over the same statute, but this is the first time that a felony conviction could result from a court case.

"As reported by numerous sources, the case was dismissed after the first witness? testimony. This would be as if two armies brought all their artillery and troops to a border, fired a single shot, and then one side surrendered, realizing that there is no point incurring casualties for a war they cannot win. And thanks to double-jeopardy provision of the US constitution, Mr. Crippen cannot be tried again, since a jury was assembled for his trial. It is a remarkable victory for Mr. Crippen?s defense: as Sun Tzu said in The Art of War, ?The best victory is when the opponent surrenders of its own accord before there are any actual hostilities?."

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SimplyMepis celebrates 8th anniversary with release


Warren Woodford, founder of MEPIS has announced 21 eighth time anniversary of MEPIS on November SimplyMepis 11.0 Alpha 3 release. SimplyMepis takes usually quite a while to cook and no final release date has been given.

This release "with Debian squeeze, but with a 2.6.36 kernel continue." "In this version has MEPIS backported the Galbraith latency patch, improved desktop performance." This patch has latency attention, received its inclusion on the Linux kernel mailing list lately, since and offers higher performance for some desktop setups discussed. Some users have reported greatly increased performance while others it really only advantages opened State processes under additional TTY (PTS). Also reported that the patch NULL cause could pointer dereference bugs but Galbraith said it was anyway rewrite. In any case, it is an interesting move by the normally conservative Woodford.

Alpha in this cycle were developmental something more than 800 MB in size, and some say Woodford should just go ahead and add all sorts of additional software and graphic material, (or USB key) because the ISO already requires a DVDrom. More documents the street may arise later.

Alpha 1 had a bug which prevents that the live image on many PCs boot and although Woodford, that said "Some bugs have been fixed, the affected installation and boot from USB key" problems prevent boot-up DVD in alpha 2 continued. So, an alpha 3 released soon to fix it.

So far, 11.0 has a fairly new boot splash, but the login and desktop decorations remain largely unchanged. KDE 4.4.5 is the featured desktop with applications like Firefox 3.5.6, GIMP 2.6.10 and 3.2.1 provided. Unless no other radical changes are the latency patch is the latest stable version, but it's still very early.

Woodford reflects on MEPIS, "it was launched 8 years the MEPIS Linux project that before today, when Warren Woodford would be decided to create a version of Linux that easily try from CD to install the live environment and easy for everyone to use." "In the course of the years have reported by SimplyMEPIS first OS is one year old children, and the first OS of the 90-year-old adults."

Download MEPIS

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Android: Too much of a good thing?


Android is everywhere. Really. It runs phones, tablets, and I recently saw it even works on an iPhone. A few years ago would me to no end excited have. It still, but truthfully, I am now more skeptical. See two years ago, Linux was everywhere on Netbooks. I thought it was beaten up a major break - Linux finally the mainstream.

But vendor customization and "dumbing down" Linux that look like an inconsistent kludge rather than a free and powerful choice made. So far, Android looks across quite constant about hardware. So far, many apps regardless of Android version that supports your device work. Suppliers will hopefully made with Netbooks to see the errors and keep, their "branding" to a minimum. It phone many ways providers and wireless carriers could efforts messed up our world domination. Again.

Dear suppliers, please don't try to sell more phones by adding proprietary software up on Android. Adding software you contribute it back to the community. If you want to sell more phones, make better phones than your competition. (Please!)

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Linux distribution: lightweight portable security

Easy portable security is a LiveCD distribution developed by the Department of Defense to end secure node, in other words, a secure environment from accessing the Web or a remote desktop host function. The focus is on security, and for this reason it is started from a CD and leads from the RAM, deploying a Web browser, a file manager and a few other small tools.

The lightweight portable security distribution has been the software protection initiative under the direction of the air force research laboratory and the U.S. Department of Defense. The idea is that Government employees can use a CD or USB flash drive, to boot type into a tamper-proof, pristine desktop use unsafe computer such as in hotels available or an employee's own home. The surrounding area there should be consistently largely against Internet-borne threats such as viruses and spyware, especially when run from read-only media such as such as a CD-ROM. The LPS system provided the hard drive of the host machine, no trace of the user leaves activities behind.

If it sounds a bit cloak and dagger, consider that anyone who wants to quickly set up a secure setup on a PC of unknown security status could have a use for a distribution like LPS. For example, you can understand, computer security, but the staff of your local library or in a hotel?

The first thing you is welcomed, when you first start from the CD boot screen, the bottom, the area of the respective seals of the Department of Defense, air force research is dominated research laboratory and the anti-tamper-software protection initiative. Very erweise, there is also a note telling you that F2 to startup messages, which brings out mostly a list of loaded Linux kernel modules consist. LPS supports the WiFi interfaces but not the current, support for printers or sound hardware.

Subsequently, you are dumped in a very simple desktop, use the power of IceWM. The layout is the familiar combination of application launcher and task switcher bar at the bottom of the screen. Review of applications shows that this is indeed a very minimal desktop. You are given that can edit Firefox Web browser, a text editor and a file manager, the files in the RAMdisk or a flash drive. There is also a remote desktop client that works with RDP or Citrix hosts and a tool to deal with files, the AES encrypted.

It seems obvious scope for adding applications to get distribution. In fact, the site advises the user contact the development team with feature requests, reasoning that if a person wants it, could also be other people.

Download Firefox, I was a little surprised that it's a pretty currently was stable build and it included the Flash plugin, but I suppose Flash sometime need most Web workers these days. It comes with plugins to change the browser agent string send encrypted mail through Gmail, work with encrypted files and bookmarks to an online server to synchronize.


LPS is obviously a niche distribution. If your needs are specific and need just a basic Web browser and a remote desktop client on a disc or to hand could out with someone, a more complex lost could live-CD, this distribution for you. It offers an interesting insight in how organizations create custom Linux builds niche requirements. The site itself is a whole lot of detail about the reasons behind LPS.

The LPS website.


Writer Michael Reed free technology, retro computing, geek culture and gender politics writes headquartered in the UK. His byline has appeared in several technology publications.

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With New Swiss Host, WikiLeaks Continues to Publish


With New Swiss Host, WikiLeaks Continues to Publish
Dec 4, 2010, 03 :02 UTC (4 Talkback[s]) (2221 reads)
(Other stories by Kenneth Corbin)

"After being effectively booted off the Web by its U.S. domain name system (DNS) provider, the whistleblower website WikiLeaks has managed to reemerge on the Swiss domain, where it continues to publish classified cables detailing the activities of U.S. diplomats around the world.

", a group providing free domain name services, terminated WikiLeaks' service followed what it described as a severe distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack.

"On Monday, informed WikiLeaks that it would terminate its service in 24 hours owing to the attack, which it claimed violated its usage agreement for disrupting other domains that use the service."

Complete Story

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The move to Linux - encrypted disk, comments

Symbols by Melvin Schlubman

One of the standards which has become common in the U.S. federal sector requiring that all mobile devices such as laptops, drives have encrypted. This was led by personal information in the supposed a direct result of a series of laptop theft earlier in the Decade, leaking. As former Federal contractor, I saw a number of successful and not successful methods implemented and deployed. Some led to real privacy and some led to wonderful bricks. In some cases on a regular basis (daily read).

One of the more successful tools is the trust Platform Module (TPM)-chip. If implemented correctly, you can improve the encryption ensure that even if your disk is removed from your laptop, it is still safe and greatly improved security. So, you imagine my surprise when the private sector, that my new company has no policy for encryption of laptops, even though almost everyone in society has a rejoining.

I was a brand new Dell with a TPM chip and Windows XP on it. Of course, the first thing I did was download a copy of Fedora and set about reformatting the machine, including the establishment of TPM and ext4 install and enable Linux hard disk encryption and went along my cheerful manner, not really thinking about it. That was six months ago.

Like most laptop users if disk space is low, you have two options. Replace the hard drive with a larger and newly install or a larger disk cloning. After only six months I was tired to do a reinstall, so I decided I would go the clone route. But wait I had protected a TMP, encrypted drives. How should was I to do this? This was certainly a routine sort of thing. So I set out to the Internet and did some research. And what I discovered underwhelmed. Essentially, while there are with a number of websites that tell you how you your hard drive (something) to clone, I'm very familiar, there are almost none to speak about the problems of encryption. That left me in a bit of a dilemma.

I finally decided to give it a shot, and hope I could make it work. The first question was, what tool to use. I decided to go with dd, because it not a bit for bit copy, rather than access to the file system need. This is important because the disk for the most part, is encrypted.

The other decision I made, remove the disk from the machine and put it in a cage and the second disk in a cage as well. I then booted the diskless machine with a LiveCD (I used Fedora 14 desktop) and the hard drives. Sure enough have my encrypted hard drive popped up and I have a warning indicating that it was encrypted. I canceled the option my password entering and my second hard drive connected and get to work, to do the copy.

I moved some 150 GB disk from one computer to another via USB. It took close to 10 hours to do this successfully. So while dd, there are probably faster alternatives. Your mileage may vary.

After the copy is successful, I installed the new hard disk, pushed the power button and out my fingers crossed. I am happy to report that fired up, and after a successful password to decrypt the drive itself and I was back in business.

But wait a minute.... Yes, what's with the TPM chip? Keep in mind that a TPM chip to do one of the things that prevent that read from a disk that is me not connected to the system board. I should not only not been able to read I me unable to copy it at all - at least not in some sort of usable form it once mounted in the cage. And I did. Why? Well, that's my leading thought I the module have set up correctly or that Dell has properly it the hard drive to add the additional protection. It is also possible I have installed Linux in a way to use the chip. In both cases while I am getting security through the Linux-based disk encryption, I'm no additional protection from the TPM chip.

These then are the takeaways. You can use dd to successfully copy Linux encrypted drives. And never assume, you are secure unless you test your security. Better yet, have it someone else test. Chances are you are not as secure as you think you are.

These instructions assume, are similar drive types (such as SATA) use, have access to a few cages or disk carrier and a significant amount of time to copy the data.

(1) Remove the floppy disk that you want to use, copy from the system, and place it in a cage. This step is optional.

2. Set your secondary hard drive in a cage.

3. Boot the system with a LiveCD. This allows you to unmount the disk to which you plan to clone, which is crucial for a successful clone.

(4) To open A few terminals. In a terminal Su to root or with sudo execute the following command:
Tail-f / var/log/messages
This will open a current window from your messages file, which is important for the provision, which drives are where and all error messages are logged during the dd process in the console. / var/log/messages is the default location for most operating systems. Check if it is the same for you.

5. Plug in your source drive and watch the log file for the name assigned. For example, it will pop-up if it is a SATA drive and connected there is no other drives most likely as SDB. (If your drive away, it is likely/dev/sda.)

(6) Plug in the second drive and write its name. In my case was it / dev/sdc.

(7) If you need to format the new drive, now is the time. Create a single partition, and ensure that you choose ext4 as the file type. Once the drive is ready, lift providing both drives.

(8) In a terminal as root, run the following:
DD if = source drive from = destination drive
Dd if = / dev/sdb of = / dev/SDC
Go and prepare Thanksgiving dinner (and may get a leg up on Christmas dinner you have a large disk).

(9) Once the copy is complete (and you know, the command prompt because back come), install your new hard drive in your computer and boot it up.

Good luck!

Image by flikr Melvin Schlubman

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Novell's Final Earnings Report?

[ Thanks to James Maguire for this link. ]

"In what may turn out to be Novell's final earnings report as a public company, revenues continued to fall as the company is set to be acquired.

"Enterprise software vendor Novell (NASDAQ:NOVL) is on the verge of being acquired for $2.2 billion by Attachmate. For its fourth quarter fiscal 2010, Novell reported net revenue of $207 million which is a decline from the $216 million in net revenue reported for the fourth fiscal quarter of 2009. Analysts polled by Thompson Reuters had expected revenue of $204.1 million. Novell declined to provide its own guidance at the end of the third quarter for the fourth quarter outlook."

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Why and How I Join the Cloud Hype, and So Can You, Free Culture Amigos!


Why and How I Join the Cloud Hype, and So Can You, Free Culture Amigos!
Dec 4, 2010, 23 :02 UTC (1 Talkback[s]) (1510 reads)
(Other stories by HUNG Chao-Kuei)

[ Thanks to Chao-Kuei Hung for this link. ]

"For those of us who have been using GNU/Linux, full-steam cloud computing began with ssh -X or VNC long time ago. For those of us who have contributed to Wikipedia or OpenClipArt or OpenStreetMap, the real benefit of cloud computing lies in the web 2.0 / read-write / prosumer / Pro-Am culture that emphasizes transparency, democracy, freedom of speech, collaboration, etc. Yet recent hypes smelling suspiciously of excessive commercial interest seem to mislead the general public away from the true values of cloud computing and into expensive software products that might lock in users. Lacking an exact and precise source of confusion to debunk the hype, I suggest that fellow advocates of the free culture movement jump on the cloud bandwagon and compete with the hype generator(s?) for the seat behind the steering wheel, popularizing the free culture concepts during the competition, as a peaceful way of fighting the cloud hypes.

"In response to readers' suggestion to look at the cloud hype, I first wrote in May about Microsoft and Taiwan government's collaboration to invest 2.4*10^10 NT dollars smelling badly of corporate greed exploiting public ignorance while feeding on government resources. Seeing that the hype in Taiwan grows stronger and stronger each day, I wrote two blog articles in Chinese ( SaaS and PaaS history) and received some attention. Then I pasted the blog articles into a paper (Chinese) and presented it in one of the many academic cloud conferences. Later Carla Schroder of LinuxToday wrote a piece Keep Your Cloud, I'm a Customer Not a Consumer and I realized that the extensive hype is not limited to Taiwan alone. So I decided that the paper is worth translating into English (with slight modifications), as: "A Brief History of Cloud Computing (Before the Commercial Hype) and Purchasing Suggestions"."

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The dark side of open source conferences


"In the past two decades, the open source community has evolved from an obscure grass-roots movement of wild-eyed crusaders, indigent grad students, and spare-time hobbyists to an unprecedented worldwide collaboration of full-time professionals and extraordinarily committed volunteers. We pride ourselves on our openness to new contributors, from any country or social background, and most often describe the power structure of open source projects as a meritocracy. Many of us believe that open source is inherently progressive - a way to level the playing field that operates across all social categories and class boundaries.

"And yet, here it is, the year 2010, and my female friends and I are still being insulted, harassed, and groped at at open source conferences. Some people argue that if women really want to be involved in open source (or computing, or corporate management, etc.), they will put up with being stalked, leered at, and physically assaulted at conferences. But many of us argue instead that putting up extra barriers to the participation of women will only harm the open source community. We want more people in open source, not fewer.

"In this article, we will first explore the current state of harassment in open source through interviews with ten women (including myself) about their experiences at open source conferences. Then we will describe some concrete, simple actions anyone can take to help reduce harassment for everyone"

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Foil Firesheep and other Nuisances on Linux


"You've probably heard a lot about Firesheep, the Firefox extension that exposes user credentials and allows almost anyone to take over an account on Facebook, Twitter, and many other sites with a few clicks. But what do you do to defeat it? Read on, and you'll be able to foil Firesheep in no time.

"A lot of Web sites use cookies to store authentication information. You'll log in via an HTTPS connection, but then revert to HTTP when you've authenticated. Then the cookie ? with your authentication information ? is sent over plain HTTP. This is no big deal when you're on your home network (assuming you trust all the people in your home, of course, and you use WEP or WPA for your Wi-Fi). But if you're in a coffee shop, at a conference, or using some other public network then sending your cookies over HTTP makes it easy for someone else to hijack your session."

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Mageia trudging on release

Mageia Linux

The Mageia project moves to your first alpha, expected now sometime in January. She have set up the infrastructure, developmental biology and administrative teams, and choose a permanent logo employs.

Beginning of November the Mageia project had many necessary elements almost in place. These include things like a build server, Web site hosting wiki, a code of conduct, development and management teams and a roadmap. The build server is based on Mandriva one and just almost complete. PLF is temporarily hosting some online resources and is hosting the mailing lists until a change to Gandi is complete. Packaging, artwork, distribution were organised developers, translators, designers, QA and other teams. Alpha was scheduled for December at this time.

Mageia is some forward according to a recent blog post. The many logo entries were short-listed come were and a final decision is expected any day now. There were so many nice entries this is bound to be a very difficult task.

Early in the week, mapping was created and registered. This will collect Mageia and distribute resources necessary to develop the distribution. Anne Nicolas was appointed President, Arnaud Patard is the new Secretary and Treasurer is Damien Lallement. Monthly reports will be published for those interested in the financial details. Report logs of the founder weekly meetings also published, and their own public communication channels have each team and.

Discussions are on-going-on the repository directory structure and Subversion repositories are implemented. Main mirror directory starts with three media: core, nonfree and tainted. and have five subdirectories: release, updates, Updates_testing, backports and Backports_testing. Importing Mandriva are logical and organized as a developer with the base system, compiler and rpm tools start. X will be followed next by the desktop environments, before it on the remaining software. Removing license restrictions encumbered code is top priority.

Tester is the most important treat for anxious, that December Alpha back to sometime in January with the first release still on schedule for March were pushed has.

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Linux Foundation Announces Individual Membership Drive

SAN FRANCISCO, December 3, 2010 ? The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating the growth of Linux, today announced a new individual membership drive and promotion that makes members eligible to win free Store T-shirts, hats, mugs and more.

New members who sign up for individual membership at between today and December 20, 2010 will be automatically entered into a drawing to win one of five U.S. $50 gift cards to the Store. These prizes will be available just in time for the holidays. Existing members and non-members can also be entered into the drawing by mailing their name and email address to The Linux Foundation headquarters. The address and official rules for the drawing are available at

The Linux Foundation website:

Individual members of The Linux Foundation help advance the Linux operating system and support the work of Linux creator Linus Torvalds. They also receive exclusive benefits that include a email address (e.g.; a choice of T-shirt (; employee purchase pricing from Dell, HP and Lenovo; 35 percent off O?Reilly books and e-books; and a variety of deep discounts to attend events, subscribe to industry publications, and to shop at the Store.

The Store includes exclusive merchandise and original T-shirts, hats, mugs and other items that reflect ?geek culture.? The merchandise available in the Store is designed to reflect the unique and varied culture associated with Linux: geek pride, freedom, fun, eccentricity, and originality.

The Store recently added new items, including the ?I Believe in Linux? mousepad ( and the community favorite ?We Made IT? T-shirt ( Nearly 8,000 votes made this T-shirt available in the Store as a result of the Store Community Design Contest that ran March through June 2010. The creator of the design was Said Hassan, who won the vote among nearly 100 other designers.

Both corporate and individual members support the organization that employs Linus Torvalds and important programs that promote and protect Linux. The annual membership fee for individuals is U.S. $99. Student membership is U.S. $25 and includes all the same benefits as individual members.

About The Linux Foundation

The Linux Foundation is a nonprofit consortium dedicated to fostering the growth of Linux. Founded in 2007, the organization sponsors the work of Linux creator Linus Torvalds and promotes, protects and advances the Linux operating system by marshaling the resources of its members and the open source development community. The Linux Foundation provides a neutral forum for collaboration and education by hosting technical events, including LinuxCon, and generating original Linux research and content that advances the understanding of the Linux platform. Its web properties, including, reach approximately two million people per month. The organization also provides extensive Linux training opportunities that feature the Linux kernel community?s leading experts as instructors. Please follow The Linux Foundation on Twitter.

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Ubuntu view Processes and Port Usage

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Set up Solaris 11 Express PV Guest at Xen 4.0.1 ( pvops) Dom0 on top of

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SECURITY: Weekend Project: Intrusion Detection on Linux with AIDE

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Using Firewall Builder To Configure Router Access Lists

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Set up Solaris 11 Express PV Guest at Xen 4.0.1 ( pvops) Dom0 on top of

How to update your custom Ubuntu 10.10 kernel

SECURITY: Using Firewall Builder To Configure Router Access Lists

Why and How I Join the Cloud Hype, and So Can You, Free Culture Amigos!

Novell's Final Earnings Report?

Ubuntu view Processes and Port Usage

Italian region asks for help to avoid software lock-in? to Microsoft

The dark side of open source conferences

SECURITY: Weekend Project: Intrusion Detection on Linux with AIDE

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Weekend Project: Intrusion Detection on Linux with AIDE


Weekend Project: Intrusion Detection on Linux with AIDE
Dec 4, 2010, 07 :02 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (1766 reads)
(Other stories by Nathan Willis)

" Front-line measures like firewalling, strong authentication, and staying on top of security updates are mandatory steps to keeping your system secure. But you also need to check your system's health frequently and make sure a compromise didn't slip past you unnoticed. A good place to start is with an intrusion detection system (IDS) that monitors your machine's resources and flags any changes that might indicate an intruder or a rootkit. The Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment (AIDE) is an open source IDS that you can set up in a weekend.

"Before we get started, though, it's vital to understand how an IDS like AIDE functions. AIDE is a host-based IDS, which basically means that it scans the filesystem and logs the attributes of important files, directories, and devices. Each time it runs, it compares its findings against the previous, "known good" data, and alerts you if something has changes. But the downside is that if your system is already compromised before you install and run AIDE initially, you won't be able to detect it."

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View the original article here

How to update your custom Ubuntu 10.10 kernel

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How to update your custom Ubuntu 10.10 kernel

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Italian region asks for help to avoid software lock-in? to Microsoft

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SECURITY: Weekend Project: Intrusion Detection on Linux with AIDE

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Linux Journal Insider - January 2011

Shawn and Kyle kick-off the 2011 calendar with your favorite questions or at least one of the problems that relate to most. System Administration! To listen to the podcast (he is this month sick), or want to get a look at the latest issue of Linux Journal, croak just Shawn, like a frog want should be informative and entertaining. Enjoy!

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13 Features of Regular Expressions

Open Source Desktops May Not Happen for Small Biz

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Editor's Note: Sometimes We Grow Up


by Carla Schroder
Managing Editor

Jono Bacon's announcement of the project was met with the usual mix of reactions, from approval to charges it is really "The Quit Picking on Ubuntu" project.

Jono is the Community Manager of Ubuntu. He is a musician who releases recordings under a free-in-full Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license. He wrote The Art of Community: Building the New Age of Participation. He co-hosted LugRadio. He's probably done a lot of other things.

In short, like most of us, he is a multi-faceted person with a lot of interests. Unlike most folks, he puts himself out there in public view. Anyone with the tiniest public presence, in this brave new Internet era, is a target for every complainer and angry psychopath on the planet. Being a public figure these days means being a target for more criticism and crazy talk than you ever thought possible. It takes courage and focus to keep on going in the face of the noise. You're out there in wide open, while the little trollies and whingers are taking their shots from their safe hideouts where you can't reach them.

It was no surprise when Jono's announcement of the OpenRespect project was met with the usual mix of positive and negative responses. My own initial feeling was a snitty "Welcome to the Quit Picking on Ubuntu Tour." Fortunately, aside from a comment on Jono's Facebook page I kept that to myself. But as my mommy tried to teach me, it is quite acceptable to have unexpressed thoughts. It's really not necessary for anyone to express every opinion they have on everything. Especially first impressions, before you have the facts.

A comment on Linux Today caught my attention:
"Remember his LugRadio personna?
Bombastic, opionated, condescending, passive-aggressive and willing to call out people and projects.
I use to love the podcast for that irreverence.
That show would not pass his newfound zen attitude.
I dont blame him. We all grow up, put on a suit and get a real job. We get older. Some get wiser.
Its just ironic that the very persona which made him famous in FLOSS is the one he wants to tone down.
I dont have problems with having civility but dictating it is a tricky thing and the great LugRadio segment Hype or Shite would fall afoul of his newfound tolerance if it was around.
We all eventually become our own fathers, I get that but Bacon wants other young people to not do the things they did for that.
There is a word for that."

That seems a fair criticism in some ways, and even the implied accusation of hypocrisy. I asked Jono what he thought:

"I understand where the poster is coming from, but I think there is a difference between satire and respect. LugRadio was all about satire, and while we certainly accidentally took it a little too far at times as we were all were (and still are) idiots, I believe that there is a difference between satirical commentary and disrespectful conflict-orientated discourse. Satire pokes fun, and OpenRespect never wants to stop people poking fun, but OpenRespect is encourage people to have civil debate that doesn't descend into bickering and name calling.

"Not sure I have grown up yet, in fact I am getting ready to go and play a thrash metal show tonight in Livermore, but I do think we live and learn, and while I am intensely proud of our achievements in LugRadio, I consider LugRadio a satirical show that in itself helped me learn more about respect, particularly from the times we overstepped our bounds. Wow, that statement makes me think maybe I am growing up. I am going to go and put some comfortable slacks on and make a nice cup of tea..."

In other words, different behaviors for different circumstances. Figuring out how to work constructively with other people is hard. That's life; good things take work.

Maybe Jono is a hypocrite who wants it all ways. I don't think so, but so what if he is? We're all imperfect, we all have pasts full of mistakes, and if all we do is focus a critical, judgmental lens on everything we'll never accomplish anything. I think a reasonable baseline is to expect everyone to try, even a little, to get along with their fellow humans.

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Red Hat's Secret Patent Deal and the Fate of JBoss Developers


Red Hat?s Secret Patent Deal and the Fate of JBoss Developers
Nov 12, 2010, 20 :35 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (926 reads)
(Other stories by Bruce Perens)

"When patent troll Acacia sued Red Hat in 2007, it ended with a bang: Acacia?s patents were invalidated by the court, and all software developers, open-source or not, had one less legal risk to cope with. So, why is the outcome of Red Hat?s next tangle with Acacia being kept secret, and how is a Texas court helping to keep it that way? Could the outcome have placed Red Hat in violation of the open-source licenses on its own product?

"The suit in question ? Software Tree LLC v. Red Hat, Inc. ? claimed that JBoss, the well-known Java web software, infringed upon U.S. Patent No. 6163776 (PDF), which essentially claims invention of the object-relational database paradigm. In that paradigm, an object in an object-oriented software language represents a database record, and the attributes of the object represent fields in the database, making it possible for programmers to access a database without writing any SQL. It?s a common element in most web programming environments today."

Complete Story

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View the original article here

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Eliminating Duplicate Rows from MySQL Result Sets

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Eliminating Duplicate Rows from MySQL Result Sets

Editor's Note: Sometimes We Grow Up

OpenMeetings 1.6 released

University Begins Reporting All P2P Users to the Police

Hexen: Edge of Chaos Demo

UNR 10.10 Maverick Meerkat - Don't touch this!

SECURITY: How to enable auto-login and create a guest user account on Fedora 14

13 Features of Regular Expressions

Open Source Desktops May Not Happen for Small Biz

Red Hat?s Secret Patent Deal and the Fate of JBoss Developers

Eliminating Duplicate Rows from MySQL Result Sets

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Did Ubuntu disrespect Fedora Linux with openrespect?

Editor's Note: Sometimes We Grow Up

OpenMeetings 1.6 released

University Begins Reporting All P2P Users to the Police

Hexen: Edge of Chaos Demo

UNR 10.10 Maverick Meerkat - Don't touch this!

SECURITY: How to enable auto-login and create a guest user account on Fedora 14

13 Features of Regular Expressions

Open Source Desktops May Not Happen for Small Biz

Red Hat?s Secret Patent Deal and the Fate of JBoss Developers

Eliminating Duplicate Rows from MySQL Result Sets

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UNR 10.10 Maverick Meerkat - Don't touch this!


UNR 10.10 Maverick Meerkat - Don't touch this!
Nov 12, 2010, 22 :35 UTC (1 Talkback[s]) (963 reads)

"After being tremendously pleased with Maverick, as it ran superbly on both standard PC and even Mac, and loving the UNR 10.04 Lucid on my eeePC netbook, I figured Maverick Netbook Remix edition could only be a doubly double win for me. And so I tried it.

"I decided to test the distribution on my Asus machine, having no fear my personal data would be harmed, as I have created separate root and home partitions. I downloaded the edition, burned it to a USB stick and let it boot. After a few seconds, I was looking at a whole new concept of UI and I was really liking what I saw.

"This new UI is called Unity and it is based on Gnome. It's supposed to be smart and modern and make good use of resources at hand. Now, UNR Maverick is designed to run on netbooks, i.e. little vertical space. The desktop panels placed on top or bottom encroach on the precious real estate, so we can't have that. Maverick solves the problem by shifting the panel to the left."

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13 Features of Regular Expressions

13 Features of Regular Expressions
Nov 12, 2010, 21 :35 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (880 reads)

[ Thanks to Andrew Weber for this link. ]

"Following is a summary of some of the major features of regular expressions.

"1. Supported by Linux/UNIX Utilities
Most commands will support at least the basic aspects of regular expressions. What this means is that as a tool enhancement regular expressions have important implications are are worth your time in learning. Three major utilities demonstrate the importance of regular expressions.
a. grep ? a line parsing tool that is based on regular expressions
b. awk ? a filed parsing tool based on matching text and using regular expressions
c. sed ? a stream editor which facilitates the modification of text streams

"Experience with these three tools or utilities is critical in the building of shell scripts.

"2. Reduces Evaluation Times
Because the use of regular expressions provides the ability to perform multiple tasks at one time, regular expressions save time and resources on a server. Instead of performing many passes over the same text in order to achieve one goal at a time, you can achieve many goals using regular expressions."

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University Begins Reporting All P2P Users to the Police

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Eliminating Duplicate Rows from MySQL Result Sets

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Elegant Gnome Theme Pack Becomes Ever More Elegant, PPA Updated for Maverick, Lu

Elegant Gnome Theme Pack Becomes Ever More Elegant, PPA Updated for Maverick, Lu
Nov 12, 2010, 19 :35 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (1240 reads)

[ Thanks to kiterunner for this link. ]

"Elegant Gnome Theme Pack needs no introduction. Like many of you, it is one of my most favorite themes along with Equinox in Ubuntu Maverick. Latest update brings in a lot more finesse to the already beautiful Elegant Gnome theme.

"What's new in Elegant Gnome Theme Pack 1.0?

* Fixed the style for the progress bars.
* New updated tooltips style.
* Updated metacity themes. Now the buttons got the colors on hover which are: minimize - blue, maximize - green, close - red."

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RockMelt: A social networking spin on Google Chrome

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Open Source Desktops May Not Happen for Small Biz


Open Source Desktops May Not Happen for Small Biz
Nov 12, 2010, 21 :05 UTC (3 Talkback[s]) (883 reads)
(Other stories by Brian Proffitt)

[ Thanks to Amy Bennett for this link. ]

"For all the talk of how open source software is kicking butt and taking names in the cloud space (see: Red Hat, Ubuntu, Novell) and in embedded space (see Android, MeeGo), there's one area where open source has consistently fallen woefully short: providing solutions for small businesses.

"This is a weird sort of failure, too, because on the surface it seems like open source software products--with their collective low price tag, solid support, and better security--would be a perfect fit for the needs of smaller businesses, which often need superlative computing capabilities but can only afford the least-expensive hardware and software due to budget constraints.

"Yet, to date, there have been few serious efforts to push open source software into the small business space."

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RockMelt: Dumb or Stupid? You Decide


[ Thanks to Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols for this link. ]

"By my count, there are three really important Web browsers today: Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. There are also two others that are good enough, Opera and Safari, that they?re worth considering. So, really why the heck should I think that there?s room for yet another Web browser, the much ballyhooed RockMelt?

"Seriously, as the guy who first reported on the Web for a popular publication back in 1993, I?ve seen more Web browsers than I can recall, and I really don?t see a lot of reason for yet another one. Sure, there was a time when we really needed a new Web browser to free us from the horror that was, and is, IE 6, but that was in 2004, and Firefox unlocked us from IE 6. Today, we already have many excellent Web browser choices. So, really, what?s the point of another one?"

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