Wake Your Linux Up From Sleep for a Cron Job
Wake Your Linux Up From Sleep for a Cron Job
Dec 10, 2010, 01 :34 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (773 reads)
"Here's the latest in our new series on OS tips from power users: a seemingly trivial task. You have a computer, most likely a laptop, that you wish to keep suspended while you're not working. For example, let's say overnight. At the same time, you wish to run a handful of maintenance tasks, like backups and cleanup, which you don't normally do during the day. So you need a mechanism that will send your machine to sleep, wake it up when necessary, run cron jobs, then send it back to sleep again.
"Possible? Well, if it weren't, I would not be writing this tutorial, but it definitely is not trivial. In this tutorial, I will show you how you can do this, in a relatively simple and safe manner. We will check the requirements for the task. We will examine a typical use case. We will discuss the many small-print items revolving around this idea, e.g. why you need to be extra careful with waking from sleep for cron jobs. And we'll do a few other things, besides."
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