SCALE 9X across the snowy horizon


"Slammed by a blizzard, surrounded by bored kids, and achingly tired of what Winter has brought me this year, it's enough to make me say, "Calgon, take me away!"

"Er, metaphorically speaking, of course.

"Still, there is some well-deserved relief in sight: this year, after a rather long hiatus, I will be attending the ninth edition of the Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE) in the has-to-warmer-than-Indiana city of Los Angeles.

"SCALE has the distinction of being the first "community" trade show I ever attended, and because of that it holds as a standard for what community shows should be. This is the community event that sets a bar for many of the other events to reach, with strong tracks for users and developers.

"Vendors and experts from Linux and open source deliver top-notch content, at a level that belies the "amateur" label one might put on a community-organized show. There's nothing amateur about SCALE."

Complete Story

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