EyeOS web-based desktop OS

EyeOS is a Web-based desktop operating system. Despite their unusual deployment orientation in many ways it is a complete desktop complete with file management and full applications used within draggable, resizable window. And I take an overview what the EyeOS has to offer 1.9 branch you through what I did to install it on a Debian-type operating system. Overall, I felt that it was a usable system and maybe even some insight on what the most computing is as in the future.

I'm going to focus on my experience installing EyeOS 1.9 instead of the 2.x version that launched earlier this year.I tried EyeOS 2.x on a few different set ups, but I kept running serious performance problems largely reported on the EyeOS Forum by others, that it tries up-to-date 1.x series has also have the advantage of been considered stable for more than two years.


As I said, EyeOS provides a complete desktop with a suite of applications in a system that can be accessed through a network like a LAN or the Internet through a Web browser. It is a system which set a fleet of networked computers with their application environment in a cloud can deliver, or it could be your own personal refuge if you stuck with another computer.

If you examine a system like this will questions about the performance of most people. As one would expect start and running to application speed sometimes limited compared conventional desktop operating system. Graphical operations are also within the additional layer of abstraction that imposed by the browser-based interface disabled.However, if you think about it, is not the most spent a typical working day, moving and resizing Windows or start applications, and as soon as a particular application is running in response to user input, in particular on the keyboard, is good.

So what are the applications? well, set up the standard features a wide range of applications, including a calendar, an RSS reader, a mail client, a word processor, a spreadsheet, a Contact Manager and others. The applications are surprisingly analyzers, and I find myself wondering, if what EyeOS could been competitive his which full not so long ago offered commercial software. File management covers the necessary facilities to upload and download your files.

EyeOS word processing.The feature set is impressive.

The window management is surprising umfassend.Eine task bar runs along the bottom edge of the Bildschirms.Das is correct, EyeOS is fully multi-tasking and can more than one running at once, with overlapping, portable and resizeable Windows.The mouse button opens a context menu, like most operating systems and scroll wheel functionality is fully implementiert.Als technically impressive as the windowing system is a browser-based user interface I think me think that it can be exaggerated.I bet that most users get quickly to maximize all Windows, if you actually are in the habit.

All in all, despite a few compromises, I was left with the impression that EyeOS is by far a mere proof of concept demonstration; this is something that could be used for serious work.

Installation of

[update: see our guide to a server in a VM VirtualBox ausgeführt.Es is a aproach that works very well with EyeOS.]

EyeOS to install you must first prepare a Web server platform is by Apache, PHP and a few other items.Here is a method that installs everything, to a Debian box.

Install the dependencies:

Sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 php5 CGI php5-SQLite php5-IMAP libapache2-mod-Python libapache2-mod-php5 libapache2-mod-perl2 apache2 MPM prefork analog

Reset the entire machine is probably the quickest way to restart all services that need it.Once you have done this to test by the browser in the direction of the machine, you have just Apache Web server.For example if you have installed locally, you show that your browser to:

I hope you will be greeted with the standard Apache "It works!"-Message.

Now get the EyeOS 1.9 archive from the EyeOS website.Verify, that you the correct file as prominent grabbed the download page have shows the 2.x download I found verwirrend.sobald the zip file contains the EyeOS files have, unzip to there you the EyeOS directory to your home Verzeichnis.Benennen make lowercase, paste in the standard Apache Web content directory and set permissions with:

MV EyeOS / eyeOS/sudo mv eyeOS / / var/www / sudo chmod 777/var/www/eyeOS / -r

Now it's time to install the Web interface to start navigation durchzuführen.Durch:

EyeOS does tell, if even einrichten.Also, if you're missing a component that it needs, it will fortunately some pretty extensive reviews and and you should be able to determine, with some guess work is missing. choosing a password, wait a few moments and future, navigate to the login Seite.In sign up by to navigate:

The EyeOS website.

Have a better way to do this it or rather run into trouble installing a different Web OS based? shouting out in the comments and let us know.


Writer Michael Reed free http://www.unmusic.co.uk/ technology, retro computing, geek writes with culture and gender politics based in Großbritannien.Seine byline has appeared in several technology publications.

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