Talking point: Linux could abandon directories in for mark?

For a pretty scruffy-looking guy, I have to organize a surprisingly healthy approach to my files. However, I'm constantly against push the limitations of a system based directories. I am convinced that Linux tagging needs to make greater use, but I'm also beginning to wonder if desktop Linux could completely give up the hierarchical tree.

Why is it that Web-based technology makes such online bookmarking far stronger use of tagging the Linux desktop?Directories for files based on the way, that people have organized elements in the real world with categories and sub Kategorien.Dank of powerful computers and cheap, plentiful storage offers the tagging now a method of memory based on placing files in one place or another.

The word processing file that makes this article is stored/documents/articles / Linux_journal /, but it could be organized more efficiently if I could easily tag as "Documents", "Articles", "Linux Journal" also "op ed", "daft ideas", "tagging", "Linux" and "web posts". In this way I could find it by searching the alll Web contributions I have made this year, all of the op-ed peices I've ever written.

Some organisational situations illustrate the weakness of the hierarchical approach.For example, if I download some independent electronic dance music, where place it within a hierarchical system filesystem I? it works dance electronica independent or/mp3/independent / electronica / dance/mp3?Which system works best, depends on whether the key factor is that it is Electronica or independent produziert.Dies, where tagging in the own comes as it at once can be placed objects in more than one category.

When dealing with files, it is a distinction between the files, the I usually have the care and those who I just about when I play with care within Linux's Innereien.Die standard setup this distinction recognises most Linux distributions, how the files are either stored:

outside of the / home directory (files, the I don't about most care) hidden within the / home directory (other files the I don't about most care), but the / home directory and (the files that I care about are visible)

It is this last category of files that is ripe for a tagged system moved wird.Verzicht on the directory system outside of the / home folder would mean, design not only a new operating system, but design a new set of applications.

Application discovery could make tagging more useful, because what it looks like when I open or save, I tagging that can use most of the time.For one thing, tagging, application-aware could reduce workload.A word processor might tag a file as a "Text document" and maybe some relevant tags from the system tag cloud to go with it offer me.When I download a file inside Firefox, bet I, pretty easy it would be for developers to mark as "downloaded".look file this way, which it considers that the information if I also that decide it belongs in the "video" and "Follower" "Film" "Science Fiction" categories "saw".

Most people probably have a pretty firm idea of what you think is a file browser, but most of the applications are actually specialized file browser.Why change could not supporting file browser suddenly in music browsing mode as soon as I the music file tag select tag? if it automatically switch to the details view, added an extra in the pane on the left for an album view won a time exceeded counter in the status area with some transport controls, you would have a pretty good music player.E-Mail clients are also specialized Dateibrowser.In classic three layout area representing the left panel shows the files folder in the right upper pane in the bottom right corner a Viewer.Klicken is on the message and it opens a slightly specialized text editor.

Use tagging ubiquitous on the normal desktop would be a way for desktop Linux which competition to get, and I have an idea that it would appeal to above all people, remember that understanding tagging not experts no problems on the Web have not waren.Denken computer experts.

I see two main obstacles to greater adoption of marking on the desktop as the lack of absence of a uniform standard for metadata and the above Anwendungserkennung.Mich I question, which the first mainstream distribution or desktop environment to experiment with removing directories and go 100% end user tagging are is?

The tagging image when this article was used symbol of Salvatore Vuono erstellt.Von free digital photos are downloaded.


Writer Michael Reed free technology, retro computing, geek writes with culture and gender politics based in Großbritannien.Seine byline has appeared in several technology publications.

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Linux Journal Insider - December 2010

This is our two hundredth issue!  We celebrated the 200th issue by sending Kyle Rankin at Spain, Shawn do leave the podcast alone.  OK maybe not we actually send it Kyle after Spain, but since he, Shawn gives us a solo version of Linux Journal insiders.  This month is the reader's choice awards, so it is a great month your preferences against fellow Linux Journalians compare to see how you compare.  We got our regular line of tech articles, tutorials and geeky reviews up.  Whether the 200th issue is your first exposure to Linux Journal, or this month your 10 x 20 barn-sized mosaic tribute to the magazine is completed; It is a question you don't want to miss.

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